Jamie Padron
Iron-butt Registration Form
Thank you for choosing to participate in the 1st Annual Jamie Padron Iron- Butt Rally. The Blue Knights TX XXXV thank you for your time and sacrifice to honor our fallen hero!
Below you will find the rider/ passenger registration form. Please also see attached rules and regulations for this ride. This is an IBA (Iron-Butt Association) sanctioned event and BK TX XXXV has agreed to abide with their rules and recommendations for conducting this event.
Information will be emailed to registered riders after registration form is received. Please copy and paste this into an email and send to [email protected]
See you on the open road!
Sean Fullerton
BK TX XXXV Road Captain
Name of rider:
Name of Pinion rider ( if any):
Year and make of Motorcycle:
Riding experience (in years):
I intend to ride the entire route with the selected group I am placed with.
Yes No
I intend to ride a partial route with the selected group I am placed with.
Yes No
Registration fee $60.00- to be paid on or before-4-5-2014
Cash, check, or money order accepted
Make checks or money orders payable to Blue Knights TX XXXV